Advanced Multisensing Photoelectric Technology
Intelligent SensorX™ series heat, optical smoke detectors and multisensors
SensorX™ series is state-of-the-art analogue addressable detectors designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires and may be used in place of an ionisation detector. Efficient, versatile and cost-effective SensorX™ solutions will respond quickly to flaming as well as smoldering fires. Detectors are derived from the finest materials to ensure excellent performance and prevent false alarms.
The Everday SensorX™ analogue addressable detector can be configured to work as an optical smoke, heat or combined optical smoke / heat detector which is compatible with a version of the Everday protocol used by several fire / security panel manufacturers. It is designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires and may be used in place of an ionisation detector in many instances.
When polled by the control panel it returns an analogue count determined by responses from optical, heat or both sensors.
Signals from the optical smoke chamber and temperature sensor are independent, and represent the smoke level and air temperature respectively in the vicinity of the detector, the detectors microcontroller processes both signals.
Build-in isolator is optional.
The detector is fitted with a 10-way dipswitch whose function is defined below:
Switch 1 to 8 determines the detectors hardware address 1 to 250.
Switch 9 - Protocol Select
Switch 10 - Hardware/Software Addressing Select
Terminal 1 = CN5 = ISO-VE Connection for software addressing only
Terminal 2 = CN4 = REM- Connection for switched remote -VE (RIL) output
Output must be limited to 2mA at 24V dc
Terminal 3 = CN2 = LP+ Connection for panel loop +VE and remote +VE (RIL)
Terminal 4 = CN3 = LP- Connection for panel loop -VE
Terminal 5 = CN1 = REM+ Can be used for remote +VE (RIL) limited via 2.2K omhs resistor internally
Wiring Diagram
Technical Specification
Operating voltage 17-28V dc
Quiescent current 400uA
Power-up surge 1mA
Alarm current, led on 4mA
Remote output
Connects to neg line 8mA max
Clean air analogue value 27 +/- 6
Alarm level analogue value 55
Alarm indicator 2 Red LEDs, with optional remote LED
Amber LED for Optional Isolator
Optional Isolator Indicator Yellow LED
Operating temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Humidity (no condensation) 0-95%
SensorX™ series accessories: